In the year 1951, Department of Biology was introduced at the intermediate level. Then, in 1959-1960 Botany & Zoology as separate department came into existence. With the initiative & progressive attitude of the management & under the leadership of Dr. Rakesh Trivedi the department was up-graded to PG level in the year 2007.
- For U.G. Classes
- Latest Unified Syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Studies of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
- Theory, CCE, Practicals & being conducted regularly as per UGC norms.
- Regular Pre-University Test for theory & practicals being conducted separately semester wise.
- Collection as per syllabus for study purpose.
- Surprise test also being taken into practice.
- For P.G. Classes
- Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Post-Graduates as recommended by Central Board of Studies & approved by Higher Education the Governor of M.P.
- Theory, CCE, Practicals & projects conducted on regular basis as per UGC norms.
- Regular Pre-University Test for theory & practicals being conducted separately semester wise.
- Collection of material as per syllabus for study purpose.
- Surprise test also in practice.