Department Of Zoology


In the year 1951, Department of Biology was introduced at the intermediate level. Then, in 1959-1960 Botany & Zoology as separate department came into existence. With the initiative & progressive attitude of the management & under the leadership of Dr. Rakesh Trivedi the department was up-graded to PG level in the year 2007.



  1. For U.G. Classes
  • Latest Unified Syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Studies of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
  • Theory, CCE, Practicals & being conducted regularly as per UGC norms.
  • Regular Pre-University Test for theory & practicals being conducted   separately semester wise.
  • Collection as per syllabus for study purpose.
  • Surprise test also being taken into practice.
  1. For P.G. Classes
  • Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Post-Graduates as recommended by Central Board of Studies & approved by Higher Education the Governor of M.P.
  • Theory, CCE,  Practicals & projects  conducted  on regular basis as per  UGC norms.
  • Regular Pre-University Test for theory & practicals being conducted separately semester wise.
  • Collection of material as per syllabus for study purpose.
  • Surprise test also in practice.


S.NO. Name Designation Qualification Experience D.O.J.
1   Dr. G.D. Sharma  Assistant Professor & Head M.Sc., Ph.D. 29 year 01-12-1990
2 Dr. Vibha Dave Assistant Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D., B.Ed.,PGDHRD, M.A. (Ed.) 27years 11-09-1993
3 Dr. Rajesh Dixit Assistant Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D., B.Ed. 23years 13-09-199
4 Mrs.Raksha Modi Assistant Professor. P.G.D.C.C.A., B.Ed.,M.Sc., Ph.D. 11years 23-07-2009
5 Mrs. Chetna  Savita
Asst. Prof
Assistant Professor M.Sc., MPhil., Ph.D. 9years 11-03-2013
5 Mrs. Shitika Barkale
Asst. Prof
Assistant Professor M.Sc., 3 years

Faculty Pictures

Dr. G.D. Sharma 

HOD Zoology

Dr. Vibha Dave

Dr. Rajesh Dixit

Mrs.Raksha Modi

Mrs. Chetna  Savita

AMrs. Shitika Barkale

Attractions of Zoology Department

  • Well- equipped Laboratories for U.G., P.G.


  • Rich Library with sufficient reference books  & adequate  research journals 


  • Library for students of weaker section. 
  • Well developed & maintained  Museum enriched with  rare animals & adequate  Specimens(480approx.) ,Models(30approx.) ,Charts(114  approx.), Articulated Skeleton (20 approx.). 
  • This museum is named after the renowned  ornithologist, Dr. Salim Ali             



  • Department is recognized as research Centre for Ph.D.
  • Separate space for research work.
  • Well equipped laboratory available with respect to research.
  • Several M.O.U. with well recognized laboratory and research organizations


Extension Programs