Department of Biotechnology had organized a two day national workshop on ‘Basic techniques in Molecular Biology’ on 28th and 29th January 2019. It was sponsored by MPCOST, Bhopal in collaboration with Make- Intern and E-cell (IIT Kharagpur). Dr. Jyoti Bala, Chief Scientist, MolSys, Bangalore, was invited to conduct the workshop. A presentation on scope of Biotechnology marked the beginning of the workshop. It was followed by Bioinformatics skills & know- how of some of the databases & tools used in bioinformatics. Second day of workshop started with isolation of plasmid DNA followed by agarose gel electrophoresis and transformation. PCR was also demonstrated to the students. At the end of the workshop, a written test was conducted to select the students for final round of Wet-lab championship at IIT, Hyderabad. Five students were selected
- Ms. Tasneem Dahodwala BSc VI sem (Biotech)
- Ms. Amrita Patel BSc II yr (Biotech)
- Mr. Jom John BSc VI sem (Biotech)
- Mr. Ankit Verma MSc I sem (Botany)
- Mr. Rishabh Sen BSc I yr (Biotech)
Among the selected five, three students had gone to IIT Hyderabad for the final round. The three students were Ms. Tasneem Dahodwala Mr. Jom John & Mr. Rishabh Sen. The final round was conducted at IIT, Hyderabad on 13th October 2019. The students gave presentation on the topic “Molecular Diagnostics, Immune system and Defence mechanisms”. Around 20 colleges from all over India participated in the final round.
- Start Date:January 22, 2025
- End Date:January 22, 2025