Department Of Chemistry



The department has been continuously growing since its establishment in the year 1951, with an aim of preparing the students to excel in industry and be successful in higher studies. The objective of our department is to give our students an outcome based education through outcome based teaching and learning process which provides them an environment to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the programme. In addition to regular classroom teaching, the students are guided and encouraged to implement practically the principles learnt in classrooms through experimentations in the laboratories which help students gain confidence and become skilled professionals.

The department offers a vibrant atmosphere to the students and faculty to nurture the spirit of scientific inquiry and to pursue research in a highly encouraging environment. 

Our Mission 

To create and maintain the programs of excellence in the areas of research and education.

Our Vision 

To impart technical knowledge, practical skills, values, social and environment consciousness in order to serve academia, industry and society.

History Of The Department


This department is one of the oldest and leading departments of P.M.B. Gujarati Science College, Indore. It is established in the year 1951 and the post graduate department took shape in the year 1974. The department has become an approved research centre by DAVV, Indore, in the year 1989.

Dr. S.G. Khandekar was the first Head of the department. Dr. M.L. Gangwal, Dr. S.M. Chitnis, Prof. K.B. Agrawal, Prof. Dr. R.G. Varma, Dr. Kumud Modi, Prof. R.B. Patel, Dr. Anil K. Gharia and Dr. Savita Shukla were the successors.

Presently, Dr. Ketan Topiwala is the head of the department, since 2017.

The other distinguished prestigious faculties whose continued efforts and contributions in the past have made it possible that the department has acquired new horizons are Dr. Shalija Bhagwat (Moghe), Dr. M.A. Khan, Dr. G.G. Johari, Dr. B. P. Yadav and many more.

The faculties, Dr. Sourabh Muktibodh, Dr. Geetha Sarasan, Dr. Aparna Gandhe and Dr. Namrata Pathak who rendered their services for about twenty years in this institute, were selected on the post of Professor in government colleges and they were posted in 2012 in different colleges of Indore.

Dr. Kiran Dixit, the current Principal of the college was also a part of this department for a long time

Name of the Eminent Faculty


Educational Qualification

Worked as

Retired in

Dr. S.G. Khandekar


M. Sc., Ph. D.



Dr. M.L. Gangwal


M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department and Head


Dr. S.M. Chitnis


M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department and Head


Prof. K.B. Agrawal


M. Sc.

Faculty of the department, Head  and Principal


Dr. R.G. Varma


M. Sc., Ph. D., FICS(ex)

Faculty of the department and  Head


Dr. Kumud Modi

Asst. Professor

M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department, Head  and Principal


Prof. R.B. Patel

Asst. Professor

M. Sc.

Faculty of the department, Head  and Principal


Dr. Anil K. Gharia

Asst. Professor

M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department and  Head


Dr. M.A. Khan


M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department


Dr. G. G. Johari


M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department


Prof. (Smt.) Shalija Bhagwat (Moghe)


M. Sc.

Faculty of the department


Dr. B. P. Yadav

Asst. Professor

M. Sc., Ph. D.

Faculty of the department


Courses Offered

The department offers core courses in Chemistry for undergraduate B. Sc. students. In addition, it offers a two year M.Sc. Chemistry programme and a Ph.D. programme in Chemistry.

For undergraduate B. Sc. students, it is a three year programme which imparts a thorough fundamental knowledge in all fields of chemistry including theoretical and practical concepts of the chemistry. The details of the courses offered are –

S. No.


Interdisciplinary Courses (Group)





B. Sc. I Year

Biology group

Paper – I : Physical Chemistry

Paper – II : Inorganic Chemistry

Paper – III : Organic Chemistry

01 (Chemistry)

Maths group




B. Sc. II Year

Biology group

Paper – I : Physical Chemistry

Paper – II : Inorganic Chemistry

Paper – III : Organic Chemistry

01 (Chemistry)

Maths group




B. Sc. III Year

Biology group

Paper – I : Physical Chemistry

Paper – II : Inorganic Chemistry

Paper – III : Organic Chemistry

01 (Chemistry)

Maths group



After graduation with Chemistry background, students have the option to go for M. Sc. Chemistry and then take up research for the welfare of mankind. Also they can take up jobs as analytical chemist, biomedical chemist, safety, health and environment specialist etc. 

For postgraduate M. Sc. students, it is a two year programme, which includes total four semesters. The aim of the course is to sensitize the students to the spectrum of applications of chemical methods and materials. With this curriculum, students will have a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories. And the student’s will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology.

The details of the courses offered are –

S. No.






M. Sc. I Year (Previous)

I Semester

Paper – I :  Inorganic  Chemistry

Paper – II : Organic Chemistry

Paper – III : Physical Chemistry

Paper – IV : Group Theory and Spectroscopy

Paper – V: (A) Mathematics for chemists

(B) Biology for chemists

1.  Physical Chemistry

2.  Inorganic Chemistry

3.  Organic Chemistry

II Semester

Paper – I :  Inorganic  Chemistry

Paper – II : Organic Chemistry

Paper – III : Physical Chemistry

Paper – IV : Spectroscopy-II and Diffraction methods

Paper – V: Computers for chemists

1. Physical Chemistry

2.  Inorganic Chemistry

3.  Organic Chemistry




M. Sc. II Year (Final)

III Semester

Paper – I :  Applications of Spectroscopy-I

Paper – II : Photochemistry

Paper – III : Environmental Chemistry

Optional Papers (Any Two)

Organotransition Metal Chemistry


Heterocyclic Chemistry

Physical Organic Chemistry

Chemistry of Materials

1.  Physical Chemistry

2.  Inorganic Chemistry

3.  Organic Chemistry

IV Semester

Paper – I :  Applications of Spectroscopy-II

Paper – II : Solid State Chemistry

Paper – III : Biochemistry

Optional Papers (Any Two)

Analytical Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry

Organic Synthesis

Chemistry of Natural Products


1.    Physical Chemistry

2.    Inorganic Chemistry

3.    Organic Chemistry


* Job-Oriented Project (15days training programme)

The M.Sc. programme helps to develop scientific temper and is beneficial for the society as the scientific developments help in the upliftment of the society.

For Ph. D. programme, the students must have the educational qualification of M. Sc. chemistry followed by DET (Doctorial Eligibility Test), following UGC criteria. In this department, the research is carried out in all major areas of chemistry. Major thrust is in the areas of analytical chemistry, natural products, drug design, electro-chemistry, surface chemistry etc.


The department has qualified, well experienced and dedicated team of 11 faculty members, seven of them are Doctorate holders. Apart from regular classroom teaching, several of the faculty members are actively involved in research projects and publishing books. Some faculties are the member of the board of studies for designing the curriculum and also they are being invited as resource person to deliver expert lectures at College and University level.  
Name of Faculty Designation Educational Qualification Specialization in Teaching Experience Field of Research Work Number of Publications
Dr. Ketan Topiwala (Head) Assistant Professor M. Sc., Ph.D. Physical Chemistry 28 Years Electrochemistry, Thermo-dynamics, Surface Chemistry 05
Smt. Pragna Desai Assistant Professor M. Sc., B.Ed.   Inorganic Chemistry 24 Years
Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi Assistant Professor M. Sc., Ph.D., M.B.A. Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 21 Years Synthesis, Natural Product, Environment,  Drug Design, Surface Chemistry 29
Ms. Reetika Shah Assistant Professor M. Sc. Chemistry Chemistry 08 Years
Dr. Rashmi Sharma Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Chemistry 07 Years Complex Synthesis with heterocyclic ligand 03
Dr. Vandana Sharma Choubey Assistant Professor M. Sc., Ph.D. Organic Chemistry 10 Years Chemical Kinetics 05
Also, there is a team of co-operative non-teaching staff, who maintains the laboratory work and caters the needs and requirements of the students in the lab.

Panorama of the Department 

The department occupies about 564.09 Sq. m. in the main building of the College. It is located at first floor right in front of the Principal’s Office.

Departmental Infrastructure –

  • Departmental Library : The department is having about 600 books written by Foreign and Indian authors for various disciplines of chemistry viz., Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Analytical, Environmental, Polymer, Pharmaceutical, Group Theory and Spectroscopy etc. which are being used by faculties and students.
  • Laboratory – The department has three well established laboratories, namely Mendeleev’s laboratory, Kekule laboratory and a laboratory for instrumental analysis (Michael Faraday laboratory) for UG and PG students and a research lab.

Also we have a store room which is enriched with a huge number of chemicals, including various rare-earth metallic salts.  We are equipped with many sophisticated analytical instruments such as, pH-meter, conductivity bridge, photo-colorimeter, potentiometer, Abbe’s refractometer, flame photometer,   Shimadzu spectrophotometer, thermostat, electric oven etc. which are being used by UG and PG students and also by research scholars.                      

  • The departmental infrastructure includes a head room, a staff room, a seminar hall, two balance rooms, distillation assembly etc.
Kekule Laboratory
Mendeleev’s Laboratory
Mendeleev’s Laboratory

Student’s Enrichment Programmes


For the academic and overall upgradation of students, the department regularly organizes various enrichment programmes.  The department arranges various guest lectures by inviting professional’s and subject experts from the other renowned institutions to share their experiences, to give subject knowledge and to impart practical skills and a vision to the students.

List of eminent academicians who have been the part of expert lecture series organized by the department –

S. No.

Name of the Faculty



Dr. Sourabh Muktibodh, Professor

M.J.B. Govt. Girls P.G. College, Indore


Dr. Geetha Sarasan, Professor

Holkar Science College, Indore


Dr. Ashok Sharma, Professor

School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV, Indore


Dr. Jyoti Dave (Head, Microbiology and Biotechnology)

Cloth Market College, Indore


Dr. O.P. Joshi, Retired Principal

P. M. B. Gujarati Science College, Indore


Dr. P.S. Kalsi, Teacher and Scientist

Punjab University


Dr. D.K. Gupta

I.E.H.E. College, Bhopal


Dr. C.K. Shinde, Retired Professor

Jiwaji University, Gwalior


Dr. Gunwant Joshi, Retd. Senior Scientist

Pollution Control Board, Bhopal


Dr. Sanjay Singh, Professor

IIT, Indore


Dr. H.P.S. Chauhan, Professor

School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV, Indore


Dr. Smita Joshi

S. N. P.G. College, Bhopal


Dr. A. V. Bajaj, Professor

School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV, Indore


Dr. Arun Singh

PG College Bhopal


Dr. Mushtaq Ali, Retired Professor

I.K.D.C. College, Indore

Student’s Enrichment Programme : Expert Lecture

The department also conducts various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities such as excursion tours, peer-learning programs, group discussion and many competitions like extempore speech, essay writing, poster making, quiz, power-point presentation etc. PG students are mainly sent to visit the pharmaceutical companies (IPCA, Lupin, Zest etc.)  to gain the knowledge of manufacturing and quality assurance of the drugs.  Also they are sent to participate in the workshop/seminar organized at other PG institutes, to get the better understanding of the subject.

Parent’s-Teacher meeting is also organized in the department, at least once in a year, particularly for M. Sc. students.

In the academic session 2018-19, the department has arranged job interviews for the post of medical representative for UG, PG- pass outs and final year students with Group Pharmaceuticals which deals with dental care products. About 25 students appeared for the interview and 05 students were selected.

In the year 2019, the department has constituted an association of M. Sc. student’s and teacher under the name “The Council of Chemistry”.  The purpose of constituting this association is to foster scientific temper and to promote the general welfare of the department and the organization.

Every year, two enlightening posters on chemistry, made by the faculty member, are displayed by the department in the College Knowledge Gallery.

Research and Development

Since 1989, the department is a recognized research centre. The department constantly strives to maintain a culture of excellence in research and uphold the highest standards in chemical education. Many faculty members are actively engaged in the field of research.

  • DR. M. L. Gangwal became research supervisor in the year1994 and his major field of research was concerned with drug design, pollution load assessment and environment.
  • Dr. R.G. Varma is approved research supervisor since 1987; his field of research is chemical kinetics, molecular modeling, solution chemistry, environmental chemistry and drug design.
  • Dr. Kumud Modi, research guide since 2004, her field of work is mainly associated with drug design, green chemistry and environmental chemistry.
  • Dr. Anil Kumar Gharia is appointed as research supervisor in the year 2012. His major field of research is natural products, electro-analytical studies of metal complexes, organic synthesis etc.
  • Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi is approved research guide since 2014. His field of research area is synthesis, natural product, environment, surface chemistry and drug design.
  • Under the co-supervision of Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi, Ms. Parvati More has been awarded the degree of M. Phil. from Holkar Science College, Indore, in 2016.
  • Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi appointed in editorial and advisory board in Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Science (an International peer viewed UGC approved research journal) in 2017.
  • Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi, appointed as subject expert for the selection of research candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in Chemistry (RDC), run by APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore, in 2018.

  The list of research guides and their research scholar’s who have been awarded and working for the degree of Ph. D. is –

S. No.

Name of Research Guide

Name of Research Scholar

Ph. D. degree awarded in

Ph. D. Viva-voce of Research Scholar

Ph. D. Viva-voce of Research Scholar


Prof. Dr. M. L. Gangwal

1. Ravindra Kushwaha

2. Devendra Vardhan

3. Shweta Thakur

4. Dinesh Paliwal

5. Nisha Garg       

6. Reena Paliwal








Prof. Dr. R.G. Varma

1.  Kiran Dixit

2.  Minakshi Bhardwaj

3.  Yusuf Ali Jaliwala

4.  Rushina Natu

5.  Sushil Kumar

6.  Sarla Sikhima

7.  Rashmi Wagde









Dr. Kumud Modi

1. R.S. Sharma

2. Navnita Upadhyay

3. Pranita Mahadik Joshi

4. Smita Suhane

5. Ritu Kumaravat

6. Vinita Jain 

7. Neha Jatav








Dr. Kumud Modi (Co-guide)

8.  Mohit Chouhan

Thesis Submitted


Dr. Anil K. Gharia

1. Sandhya Dixit  

2. Rakesh Mishra 

3. Mayuri Thanvar 

4. Arti Chourasia

5. Monika Sanyal  

6. Neha Sengar  

7. Supriya Chouhan 





Thesis Submitted




Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

1.  Pallavi Gupta (NET qualified)

2.  Mohan Tirole




Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi


1.  Vibhooti Chourey

2.  Rajesh  Sohni




Ph. D. Viva-voce of Research Scholar
Ph. D. Viva-voce of Research Scholar

Research Paper Publication –

2015 – 2016

Name of the Faculty

Title of the Paper


Dr. Anil K. Gharia

Antibacterial study of Gymnema Sylvestre plant.

InternationalJournal of Chemical Studies. P-ISSN 2349-8528, E-ISSN 2321-4902, IJCS 2016; 4(3) : 80-83.

Dr. Ketan Topiwala

Transport behaviour of dilute electrolytic solution of symmetrical electrolytes in acetonitrile + water mixture at 25 .

International Journal of Physical And Chemical Sciences ISSN : 2350-0549, vol. 1, issue 1, March 2016.

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

A Phytochemical investigation on Andrographis paniculata.

Journal of Chemical and Pharma-ceutical Research, vol. 7 (10) 822-827, 2015.

Study of phyto-chemical active compounds in extract of withania somnifera.

Rasayan Journal Chemistry vol. 81 No. 41, 522-526 (2015).

Kinetic and mechanistic studies of miceller catalysed oxidation of iso-butyric acid in perchloric acid medium by permanganate.

International Journal of Advanced Research vol. 4 Issue 3,1188-1200, 2016.

2016 – 2017

Dr. Anil K. Gharia

Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant against human pathogen bacteria, Naveen Shodh Sansar. (Impact factor – 4.710)

International Referred/Peer review Research Journal ISSN 2320-8767, E-ISSN 2394-3793. April 2016 to June 2017 vol. II, 31-32.

Separation of amino acids and carbohydrates from the leaves of Boswellia Serrata plant by TLC, Naveen Shodh Sansar. (Impact factor – 4.710)

 An International Referred/Peer review research Journal UGC Jr. No. 64728, ISSN 2320-8767, E-ISSN 2394-3793, (2016) July to September 2017, vol. I, Issue XIX, 40-41.

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Antibacterial study of Gymnema Sylvestre plant.

International Journal of chemical studies 4 (3) : 80-83, 2016.

Extraction and isolation of Naringenin using TLC technique, published in Naveen sodh sansar.

An Inter-national referred/peer review research Journal (UGC Jr. No. 64728) ISSN: 2320-8767, E-ISSN 2394-3793, (2016) October to December 2017 vol. III. (Impact factor – 4.710)

2017 – 2018

Dr. Anil K. Gharia

Antifungal activity of medicinal plant Boswellia Serrata.

Journal of Ultra Chemistry : An International open free access peer reviewed journal of Chemical Sciences and Chemical Engineering JUC Vol. 13(4), 88-90 (2017), ISSN 0973-3450.

GC-MS study of methanolic extract of leaves of catharanthus roseus.

 International Journal of Chemical Studies P-ISSN : 2349-85-28, E-ISSN : 2321-4902, IJCS 2017; 5(2) : 517-518.

Phytochemical investigation of Boswellia Serrata Plant.

Journal of Ultra Chemistry, Inter-national Peer Reviewed Journal of Chemical Sciences and Chemical Engineering. JUC vol. 13(4), 77-80 (2017). ISSN 2319-8036.

Influence of dissolved organic matter in natural and stimulated water on the photochemical decomposition of alkyl derivatives of paraben.


Antibacterial activity of Withania Somnifera leaf extracts against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

International Peer Review E-3 Journal of Sciences, IJGHC, March 2018 – May 2018, Sec. B : vol. 7, No. 2, 194-199, E-ISSN : 2278-3229.

Phytochemical screening of withania somnifera leaf extract in different solvents.

International Journal of Advanced Research a Review IJARR, 3(12) 2018; 13-16.

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

“Kinetic study of oxidation reaction of malachite green by chloramine-T in aqueous acidic medium”.

Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Science Vol. 7(8), 615-618, August-2017.

“Application of AAS in the study of metal cation available in leaf extract of some medicinal plants”.

IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), Vol.10, Issue 8, August-2017.

Estimation of Heavy Metal Ions in the leaf extracts of study sample prepared from Azadirachta Indica, Gymnema sylvestre and Ocimum Sanctum.

Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Sciences vol. 7(10), 781-784, October 2017.

Phytochemical Investigation and GC-MS Analysis of Alcoholic extract of cyanodondactylon.

Global Journal of Engineering Science & Research ISSN- 2348-8034.

Investigation of Phytochemical constituents from Tribulus Terrestris Roots, Leaves and Fruits.

Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, vol. 8(1), 55-58 January 2018.

Antibacterial activity of Withania Somnifera leaf extracts against gram-positive and gram negative bacteria

International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, E-ISSN : 2278-3229, March 2018, Sec. B; vol. 7, No.2

Dr. Rashmi Sharma

Microwave assisted synthesis of some substituted 2-Pyrazoline – A green approach. (Impact factor – 6.118)

International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), Vol. 5, Issue-07, 342-346, July-2017.

Eco-friendly synthesis of 2- Pyrazoline” and its Cr(III) – complexes as potent antimicrobial agent. (Impact factor – 6.118)

International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) July. 2017/5(7)/ 2744-2748.

A comparative study on conventional and microwave assisted synthesis and characterization of some chalcones”.

Luminous – A Multi Disciplinary research Journal Jan. 2018/2(2).

Dr. Vandana Sharma Choubey

Optical studies on extraction of some transition metal cations through liquid membrane containing 1-phenylazonaphth-2-ol as ionophore.

Oriental Journal of Chemistry, August-2017. 

(Impact factor – 0.39)

Kinetic evaluation of influence of surfactant on oxidation reaction of carboxylic acid by molecular HMnO4.

Oriental journal of chemistry, vol.-33 No.(6) 2017. (Impact factor – 0.39)

2018 – 2019

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Phytochemical screening of withania somnifera leaf extract in different solvents.

International Journal of Advanced Research and review IJARR, 3(12), 2018; 13-16.

Antibacterial activity of Gymnema Sylvestre Hydroalcoholic leaf extract.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Review IJARR, 4(4), 2019, 13-17.

2019 – 2020

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

“Synthesis and anti-oxidant activity of some novel benzothiazole derivatives”. With impact factor 5.610.

Naveen Shodh Sansar, An International referred/peer reviewed research journal ISSN 2320-8767, E-ISSN 2394-3793, (2018)-AISECT College, Indore, 11-12 Jan. 2020

Research Paper Presentation in Seminar –

Name of Faculty


Title of the Paper

Organizing Institute and Sponsors


Dr. Ketan Topiwala

International Conference

Conductometric study on the solvation behaviour of unsymmetrical electrolytes.

Department of Sociology Indore Christian College, Indore.

21-03-2015 and


Dr. Rishina Natu

International Seminar

“Drug Design”

World Research Council at Dubai

07-12-2015 to


International Conference on ecosystem response to global environmental change and their impact (ERGECI – 2017)

Drug design

School of Life Science, DAVV and P.G. department of Zoology AIMS at Dhamnod

16-02-2017   to


Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

National Seminar On role of chemistry in basic and applied sciences.

Aspects of Green Chemistry

Govt. Autonomous Holkar Science College, Indore

30-09-2015 and


National Seminar on Global Climate Change : Challenge before human beings.

Key Role of Chemistry behind Global climate change.

Department of Physics S.B.N. Govt. P.G. College, Barwani

11-11-2016 and


International Conference

Effects of heavy metal ions in irrigation water.

Christian College, Indore

06-01-2018 to


National Conference

“Classic Fenton with ultrasound fenton processes on industrial textile waste water”.

Comp-Feeders Group of Institution, Indore (M.P.)


Dr. Rashmi Sharma

National Seminar On Latest trends in analytical instruments and innovative techniques

Microwave assisted synthesis of some chalcones

Govt. Madhav Science PG College, Ujjain

19-03-2015 and


Poster Presentation in Seminar –

Name of Faculty


Title of the Poster

Organizing Institute and Sponsors


Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

National seminar

Availability of heavy metal cations in some medicinal herbs : study by AAS

School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV Indore UGC-SAP(DRS-I)


Dr. Vandana Sharma Choubey

National Seminar

Kinetic study of iso-butyric acid by acidic permanganate.

School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV Indore UGC-SAP(DRS-I)


National Seminar on Recent Trends in Basic Sciences

Miceller catalysed oxidation of propionic acid by acidic permanganate : a kinetic study.

Holkar Science College, Indore

03-10-2018 to




Faculty members as

Name of Faculty

Name of the Institute

Academic Year

Member, Board of Studies

Prof. Dr. R. G. Varma

DAVV, Indore

2012 to 2015

Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore.


Mata Jijabai Govt. Girls P. G. College, Indore


Dr. A. K. Gharia

Mata Jijabai Govt. Girls P. G. College, Indore

2014, 2015, 2016, 2019

Dr. Ketan Topiwala

Central Board Studies, Higher Education,  Bhopal


Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Rewa, M.P. (For revising unified U.G. syllabi for M.P. Universities)


O. S. D. (Officer on special duty)  DAVV Examination

Dr. B. P. Yadav

DAVV, Indore


Dr. Rishina Natu

DAVV, Indore

2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

DAVV, Indore


Resource Person

Dr. Ketan Topiwala

Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore.


Aadarsh Institute, Dhamnod

2017-18, 2019-20

 M.J.B. Govt. Girls PG College, Indore

2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

MLB Govt. PG College, Indore


Dr. Rishina Natu

Old GDC College


Maheshwari College, Indore


School of Journalism, DAVV, Indore


Choithram Nursing College


Govt. MLB Girls Degree College, Indore


Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Jain Diwakar College, Indore


Indore Indira College, Indore


P.G. College Dhar


SRJ College, Sanawad

2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore


MLB Govt. PG College, Indore


Author of Books

Name of Faculty

Title of the Book Published

Year of Publication


Dr. R.G. Varma,

Dr. A.K. Gharia and

Dr. Sourabh Muktibodh

R. P. Lecture notes of Chemistry B.Sc. Part I, Agra


Dr. A.K. Gharia

Dr. Kiran Dixit

R. P. Unified Chemistry B. Sc. III Year (In English)


Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Paryavaran Adhyan for Graduate Classes as per UGC syllabus


Dr. A.K. Gharia,

Dr. Ketan Topiwala and

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

R.P.P. Unified Chemistry (Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry) for B. Sc. I year (In Hindi) (ISBN No. 978-93-85630-040)


Dr. A.K. Gharia,

Dr. Ketan Topiwala and

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

R.P.P. Unified Chemistry (Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry) for B. Sc. I year (In English) (ISBN No. 978-93-95630095)


Dr. A.K. Gharia,

Dr. Ketan Topiwala and

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Practical book for B.Sc. I year, RPP Unified Prayogik Rasayan Vigyaan (ISBN No. 978-93-85630-064)


Dr. A.K. Gharia,

Dr. Ketan Topiwala and

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

R.P.P. Unified Chemistry (Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry) for B. Sc. II year (In Hindi) (ISBN No. 978-93-85630-224)


Dr. A.K. Gharia,

Dr. Kiran Dixit,

Dr. Ketan Topiwala and

Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

R.P.P. Unified Chemistry (Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry) for B. Sc. III year (In Hindi) (ISBN No. 978-93-85630-323)


Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi

Chemistry Practical books, Pragati edition, for B.Sc. I year and II year in both languages, English and Hindi.


Other Remarkable Achievements

Name of Faculty

Worked As

Title of the Programme


Dr. Ketan Topiwala

Manager and Observer

Inter-district and Inter-University Cricket team of D.A.V.V.


Chairman, Selection Committee

University Pistol Shooting (Men and Women) team

(2016-17, 2017-18)

Member, Advisory Committee

Inter-district Cricket tournament, DAVV, Indore



Inter-District Athletic meet, DAVV, Indore

(2016-17, 2018-19)

Dr. Rishina Natu

Core Committee Member

Yuva-utsav for State and Zonal competitions, DAVV, Indore

(2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 )

§ Dr. Rishina Natu was awarded Nritya Vidushi Naad Yogini award for the selfless devotion done by her in the field of dance. She was also awarded as “Diva of Indore” in the year 2018.

§ Dr. Dhananjay Dwivedi was awarded second prize for the poster presentation on “availability of heavy metal cations in some medicinal herbs : study by AAS” with his research scholar, Ms. Pallavi Gupta in National seminar UGC-SAP(DRS-I) organized by School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV, Indore in 2018.



  • A workshop on Chemical analysis of food stuff contamination was organized by the department in the year 2005-2006.
  • National Training Programme to Enhance Employable Skills in Pharmaceutical Industry to Fresh Graduates / Students in Pharma Science, from 19th to 28th Sep. 2011. Strengthening under Industry Institutional Linkage Initiative (For M. Sc. Students). Organized by : Indore Pharma Manufacture Cluster Association (IPMCA) & Modern Institute of Training & Development (MITD) in Coordination with P. M. B. Gujarati Science College, Indore. Sponsored by :  Small Industries of Developing Bank of  India (SIDBI).  
  • National Seminar on Rediscovering Popular Dimension in Chemistry on 7th and 8th 2011. Sponsored by : UGC, CRO, Bhopal and Shri Gujarati Samaj. Organized by : Department of Chemistry, P. M. B. Gujarati Science College, Indore
  • A workshop on making of eco-Ganesha idol for students and all the staff members, to spread the awareness about celebrating eco-friendly Ganesh utsav was organized by the department from last two years.. It has been conducted by Dr. Rishina Natu, faculty of the department.